Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Trying to fill in the blanks...
So, my question to you: if you could fill in any of the blanks, please let me know. Me and my OCD would be very grateful!
Sunday, 28 July 2013
This little lady does have a sister as well, but I am still working on her, so you'll have to wait a bit to see her as well!
Friday, 19 July 2013
The dog that may never leave the room
But that turned out to be a problem. I did finish all the other body parts, but never assembled the animal. But friends knew I was making the dog, so they asked how it turned out. There is a reason that I did not assemble the animal. A very good reason, at least in my mind. And the reason is simple. I can never give the dog to his rightfully owners. I will show you why.
Please, as a precaution, please, please, please, get all your kiddies out of the room.
Get all other people out of the room as well.
Make sure nobody else can see the following picture as they may misunderstand what you are looking at.
Keep in mind this is the body of a dog. No other extremities are showed on the pictures.
And just to be clear, I won't be taking orders for just the body.
It may just be my dirty little mind, but to me this body looks a bit... penile.
The picture may not fully appreciate it, but trust me, it was in my hands... I showed it to others and they agreed (however, I do like to think my friends have just as much a dirty little mind as I do, so it may not be a real representation of the general opinion).
Yes, I understand that if the animal is assembled nobody may notice the penile body. But how can I give this as a present to newly-weds? In front of my grandparents. And all my other family members... And the religious family members of the bride...
I am quite certain the mother of the groom would laugh her ass off if she found out (and she probably will now). But I cannot give that as a present and keep my face straight while doing it. I could sent it by mail. Or make someone else give it. But I'm afraid for now it will be buried somewhere deep in a box, because even when it is assembled, I still just see a penile dog. I think I will stay away from crocheting dogs for now...
I did however get a great idea on how to hide a vibrator...
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Baby presents
Three little toys
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Friday, 5 April 2013
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Newborn babies
Now that we have moved to another country and visiting is largely out of the question, we were thinking about an alternative solution. Another reason why we don't send cards, is that we don't like most of them. They are all annoyingly alike and extremely mawkish. I do agree thay it is something to celebrate, but most of these cards are just a bit too much. There are some that we might like, but they are for special friends thay won't be offended by our kind of humour... So we needed something different. You can make your own card, but you'd still have the problem of people not getting your jokes. I did yet into trouble one day by saying that a fetus is a sexually transmitted parasite...
So we are trying to mail out these little towels. It might be a bit late and we probably will forget the next 10 birthdays, but we're hoping to make up for that by sending a handmade gift that the kids will hopefully use a lot and love. Cause that's the point, we might not pay a lot of attention to birthdays, cards or even the calender, but that doesn't mean we're not happy for them!
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Faster than I expected...
But still... About 8 meters and 400 sequins... I might feel a bit of muscle ache in my arms and hands!
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Work-in-progress... For a very long time I'm afraid... And it needs to be finished before Saturday 23rd!
Hopefully I'll get the fabrics tomorrow and I can start on the actual dress, so this won't be all I'm covered in! :-D
Saturday, 9 March 2013
Organiser for my crochet hooks
Like I said, I make lots of things from that fabric. Too bad my Addi-swing crochet hooks don't fit in there!
Last weeks work
Since we moved to this tiny appartment in London, we were having a bit of a problem with our shoes. In Leiden we also didn't have a good spot to put them, but at least they didn't have to be exacly behind the door. And behind the door does indeed make it no longer possible to open it... So last week, when we were cleaning the house, I decided to do something about it. Permanently.
I wasn't able to bring every fabric I had to the UK, but fortunately I brought my big practise piece. I bougth it a few years ago for a very small price and have been making all kinds of stuff with it. Hats, bags, organisers. It's not a particularly beautiful fabric, but it is sturdy and works for many things, so I'm happy to use it! Especially if it should be useful and not necessarily pretty.
So this is wat I made out of it, our shoes have their own place and we can open our front door again!
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Two more finished
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Another little project!
Bougth some cheap small towels and attached one of them to the head of an ostrich...
Very happy about the result!
Ostrich pattern from Christel Krukkert.
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Tying knots
You start with a normal knot, but before you pull the ends, you first pull one of the endings again through the loop. Tighten it and make another normal knot on top of it.
How to hide the end of your thread
Het komt erop neer dat je de laatste steek niet afmaakt met je oude draad, maar hier de eerste lus van je nieuwe draad maakt. Dat doe je omdat je door het afmaken van de steek je de volgende v maakt. Als je dus de oude draad gebruikt, zul je altijd een klein streepje in de oude kleur zien.
Vervolgens leg je aan de achterkant een knoop met het uiteinde van de oude draad en het uiteinde van de nieuwe draad. Dan leg je de geknoopte uiteindes op de rij met v-tjes en haak je (zoals normaal) onder de v en boven de v. Zie de foto voor de achterkant.
Denk eraan dat de draad hierdoor wel onzichtbaar is, maar niet extra vast zit. Als je wilt zou je de draad eruit kunnen trekken. Meestal leg ik nog even een druppel textiellijm op de knoop om te voorkomen dat deze los laat.
In het filmpje heb ik stokjes gebruikt, maar het moet ook met vasten kunnen.
Project 3
Picture and movie of the third project! It's a walrus and I've attached a hooklet with a ribbon of 1 cmx5 cm to it, so they attach it to something else.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Hair of the pegasus
What I did? I took a piece of ribbon and the pieces of yarn that I cut for the hair (about 10 cm) and used the sewing machine to stitch them together. No reason to be very tidy about this as it's inside the head anyway. And you probably want to cut the hair when it's finished anyway, so I didn't pay any attention to the ends either.
That seemed pretty pull-proof, however, as I said I want to make double sure, so I've put some glue on it anyway. Now I just need to wait till it's dry and then I can try and put it in the head.
I'll leave the rest of the ribbon in there, since I need to fill the head up anyway and I can be sure the ribbon doesn't start to fray where the yarn is stitched on it. I will however first pull through the hairs before I'll fill the rest of the head up, so I'll have a bit more space to see it comes out just the way I like it!
Friday, 8 February 2013
three little projects
I've been working on some new projects. But today is not a good day... It started probably with me waking up from our neighbour drilling, but hey, that can happen! I was able to finish the project I started yesterday and I quite like it!